Tuesday, November 29, 2011
HW# 4.4: Modify your priority queue class so that instead of storing ints, it stores a generic, Comparable type.
what this entails:
change some ints to T
instead of if (a[i]<a[i+1])
put in
if (a[i].compareTo(a[i+1]) < 0)
Now, implement the following algorithm to **build** your HuffmanTree:
1) read your file to generate CharFreqs.
2) Take each CharFreq and put it into a new BTree, at the root. You will thus create a forest of BTree<CharFreq>s.
3) Take each BTree in that forest and insert it into your PriorityQueue.
while (PQ.size() != 1)
BTree a = PQ.pop();
BTree b = PQ.pop();
BTree c = BTree.join(a,b);
BTree huffmanTree = PQ.pop();
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
HW 4.3
modify what you have prev.
make a generic BinaryTree class. each Node's element will be Comparable. (The plan is that the element we will store in each node will be a CharFreq.)
implement the following 2 methods:
1) join(t1, t2), in which a new tree will be returned with t1 and t2 as the subtrees.
2) Binary Trees (or BTNodes) should be Comparable. so we will have compareTo. it will be based on the compareTo of the element contained in the node at the top of the respective trees.
class BinaryTree<T>:
BinaryTree left, right
T element
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
class BTree:
int element
BTree left, right, parent
processList(int a[])
if (*a == -1) // base case
cout << *a;
processList(Node *a)
if (a == NULL) // base case
cout << a->element;
HW 4.2: Two components to build.
Read in a file.
"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. It jumped nicely."
The file will have ASCII text.
Make a frequency array to count up how many times each character occurs. Then, print out how many times each character occurs.
Make a CharFreq class. It will store a Character and its Frequency.
class CharFreq
char Char;
int Freq;
CharFreqs should be Comparable.
There is an interface in Java called Comparable.
How is a < b, a > b, a == b? Based only on their Frequency.
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